View Full Version : New Achievements...

05-29-2013, 05:42 PM
Since the Kraken & Nordr expansions have been released, there have been no new achivements added except for defeating bosses in PvE. As a result it's starting to become a bit boring. It seems that the whole game now revolves around who can get the most mythic/arcane items, and with the best chances of getting those items being through the locked crates, there doesn't even seem to be any point in farming anymore.

It would be nice if there were some more achievements added. One area that seems to have been forgotten is pets. During season 1 & 2 it was tons of fun trying to collect all the pets to get the beastmaster title, and then get all the other pet achievements as well. But no further pet achievements have been added. How about adding achievements for getting all the monkeys, toucans, eagles and wovles. And maybe achievements for getting both sharks (ripmaw and hammerjaw) and both elemental pets (slag and glacian).

There are also some other possibilities... There was the 90 second haunlet run achievement, but none others like that since. How about some timed run achievements. Add some more things for us to do, because if the only benefit of doing PvE is to farm, it gets boring very fast, especially for top players who already have enough money to buy the gear they need.

And please add some mythic or arcane items that actually drop from bosses. It's getting tiresome with all the gambling. I understand that locked crates are a good source of revenue, but if this trend continues, the game will become a glorified version of video poker. Folks will just stand around opening their locked crates and not bother farming or doing much else.

For every mythic or arcane item found in the locked crates, there should be a different mythic or arcane item that actually drops from bosses. While I like AL much better than PL, farming in PL is much more fun because you can get all those good drops from bosses. Dragon farming used to be tons of fun in PL. So instead of people opening as much locked crates, they'll buy elixirs to help them farm.

05-29-2013, 07:56 PM
Agreed on all points..

05-29-2013, 09:03 PM
Don't make me buy more pets -_-. Jk this should be implemented, but sadly it will most likely kick me off leaderbaords, as I don't buy plat for the plat only pets.

05-29-2013, 10:07 PM
Awesome ideas. AL just needs new pet achievs; like Tropical Fury for all monkeys and...Tropical something-or-the-other for all the toucans; Icy Ferocity for wolves, and something-or-the-other for eagles (yeah, not getting any ideas for the birds :p)
And yes to the items dropping from bosses...alright, let the arcane items remain locked up in their crates, at least let the mythic items run free! I'd love to have a mythic helm as a reward from a 1 hour elite grimnr run.

(snippity snip to this potion of the post)

05-29-2013, 10:28 PM
That's one thing I don't want, a higher reroll elixir. All that will do is make the pinks/mythics/arcanes more common and will devalue them.

In fact, I think reroll should not work on mythics or arcane. Originally in PL reroll elixirs did not work in some dungeons, and therefore certain pinks like dragon items and glyph items were super rare and super valuable. Then they changed it so that those items could be rerolled, and that lead to the downfall of the game as suddenly the rarest items were not so rare anymore, and there was no longer anything that was very valuable.

I'm all for the items dropping, but do NOT want to see them become more common.

05-29-2013, 11:36 PM
That's one thing I don't want, a higher reroll elixir. All that will do is make the pinks/mythics/arcanes more common and will devalue them.

In fact, I think reroll should not work on mythics or arcane. Originally in PL reroll elixirs did not work in some dungeons, and therefore certain pinks like dragon items and glyph items were super rare and super valuable. Then they changed it so that those items could be rerolled, and that lead to the downfall of the game as suddenly the rarest items were not so rare anymore, and there was no longer anything that was very valuable.

I'm all for the items dropping, but do NOT want to see them become more common.
thx agreed

05-30-2013, 02:14 AM
That's one thing I don't want, a higher reroll elixir. All that will do is make the pinks/mythics/arcanes more common and will devalue them.

In fact, I think reroll should not work on mythics or arcane. Originally in PL reroll elixirs did not work in some dungeons, and therefore certain pinks like dragon items and glyph items were super rare and super valuable. Then they changed it so that those items could be rerolled, and that lead to the downfall of the game as suddenly the rarest items were not so rare anymore, and there was no longer anything that was very valuable.

I'm all for the items dropping, but do NOT want to see them become more common.

Yep I was crushed when purples started rerolling for pinks in nuri's and fang :( Just one of the many things that lead me to leave PL. Prior to this change, farming for a rare item like dragon armor in PL was very fun, not only to get one, but also just to see one drop since it was so rare.

Another suggestion would be a way to farm for good twink items. For now most good legendary items for twinks come from crates, aside from gear farmed during previous level caps. In PL it was fun to mix it up to farm for twink items when you got tired of farming for end game gear. It is disappointing that you cannot farm for elite legendary items at multiple levels in AL.

05-30-2013, 10:27 AM
Overlooked that fact, my bad. Rerolls shouldn't work on mythics.

05-30-2013, 01:42 PM
Another suggestion would be a way to farm for good twink items. For now most good legendary items for twinks come from crates, aside from gear farmed during previous level caps. In PL it was fun to mix it up to farm for twink items when you got tired of farming for end game gear. It is disappointing that you cannot farm for elite legendary items at multiple levels in AL.

It seems this is their way of trying to encourage end game instead of twinking.

05-30-2013, 08:41 PM
90% sure that mythic won't ever straight up drop. Arcane never will for sure.

As for more pet achievements, there are increasingly more "plat pets" and wanting those to render you AP while hating the arcane achievement would be pretty hypocritical.

How about just a bland achievement for having 50 pets?

05-30-2013, 09:31 PM
90% sure that mythic won't ever straight up drop. Arcane never will for sure.

As for more pet achievements, there are increasingly more "plat pets" and wanting those to render you AP while hating the arcane achievement would be pretty hypocritical.

How about just a bland achievement for having 50 pets?

Good point. I thought it was kind of odd that 7 of the 8 pets released in the Nordr expansion are available for plat. I do like having the pet achievements, but I also think most (if not all) of the pets should be available without plat. If I remember correctly only 4 or 5 of the original 36 pets needed for beastmaster achievement were plat exclusive. A bunch more were available for plat, but also dropped in dungeons. I do like what they did with talon, which is that he comes exclusively from Elite Chests and NOT from locked crates. And then you have some that come only from locked crates -- this is better than plat exclusive since if you don't have plat you can still buy them. And of course STS will still make their money from the plat used to open the locked crates. Either way I would like to see more pet achievements. I can't imagine a lot of folks are buying these new pets as the stats aren't any better than the old pets and there are no achievements.

Unlike in PL (and perhaps other STS games??), players are really into the leaderboards here in AL, maybe due to the banners being given out, or maybe due to the leaderboards being in each town -- everyone wants to be famous. So if STS really wants to sell plat, the best thing they can do is make achievements that are possible without plat, but where plat can speed up the process or make it easier. But plat should not be a requirement. This way many players will spend plat, but it will not become "pay to win" since non-plat spenders will still be able to do the same achievements with a bit more work involved.

06-04-2013, 03:33 PM

06-06-2013, 03:46 PM
Agreed on many points within this thread. Good ideas.