• Six Days of Vampire Powers! The Second - LEAP!

    Powered by dark 'Blood Magic,' a Vampire can achieve super-human speeds and defy the laws of gravity. In particular, Vampires can soar high into the air - almost instantaneously - and subsequently crash into the ground. The impact causes a massive shockwave to emanate from the point of impact, knocking down foes in all directions.

    Not all Vampires are the same. Hardly! The blood flows differently in each, each with their own lineage, secrets and powers. As you delve deeper and experience more, you will have the opportunity to configure your own special vampire powers.

    Dark Legends features a ‘Power Tree’ system – which allows players to choose skills individually, and beyond the restrictions imposed by previous Legends titles. We are exploring some of the different powers that you may choose to specialize in. Today, we take a closer look at the vampire power - LEAP!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Six Days of Vampire Powers! The Second - LEAP! started by Samhayne View original post
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