ign Topfrog..Long time Arcane Warrior....Love fun gaming...creative fun people..some of my closest arcane pals Beozubali Warisraoul Reehop Grienihif Trinathetrue Usngunner.... and a few others ..i
born in washington state in 1980...small town country boy.. moved to Oregon 1991.. been here since.. Currently a graduate of a recovery program... man i was messed up for so many years.. so glad i found my true self again.. And again thank you all people mentioned above for being real with me and truly being real friends.... Here til the end for you all.. your friend always Michael..
bend oregon
hiking fishing drawing reading gaming church and did i say fishing and gaming? lol creating things
ex wildland firefighter 6yrs gamer 28 yrs lol and lots other stuff i worked over years