The benefits you get from Blood Star (and Blood / Bio combo) are what really push the Blood Star weapons into the stratosphere. Mixing the Blood Star...
Blood chak with mythic starbeast gear - 55k base damage - 200k damage ticks during proc.
Kraken daggers with mythic starbeast gear - 13k base damage...
A video should help. I have no idea how the mage or warrior weapons are but rogue weps need buffed if the proc is supposed to be better than kraken....
Its not the time that needs buffed, its the damage. Kraken daggers are dealing 660k damage per tick during proc while the 86 arcanes are dealing 200k...
The numbers we are given never make any sense. Rusk bow gives 2,100 dps while the arcane star chark gives 1,700 a whopping 400 dps difference yet its...
Obviously its alot better than starbeast hammer and obviously its going to be giving better stats on warrior compared to rusk because of the 500 dps...