I am sorry if you are finding out this way, but most of the history that you have been taught has been altered. It all started with the Wrong brothers and their first flight. Everything since then has been manipulated by the elites through digital media and indoctrination. There is no Arlor. It was just a way to put you next to a screen and drain your life force. Aliens are in the other side of the screen wirelessly. They have infiltrated us. They choose to keep us alive, for now. There are some who are resisting. I am part of a community of 50,000 that lives underground. It is our mission to tell the world what really happened.
About me:
completed the main story, doing side quests now and have killed 3,000 chickens, sending dm’s to your dad, sending dm’s to your mom, exclusive weekend cruise with your cousin, romantic night out with someone I met at your bar mitzvah, slayer of Fli Ridon, leader of the celestial monarchs, commander of the 11th Legion, constructor of ice worlds under the direction of Collosus III, lord of higher dimensions and transhumanoid intelligence, student of the School for Alien Cybernetics, inventor of the antimatter discombobulator, commander of the Divine Army of Martus, surveyed the Uodoch belt, 457th in line to the throne of Paracles, son of Helphas and Minas, husband of Lefsipat, father of Thilin, Zohar, Rigus, Entomas, Lantifa, Chific, Zelec, Grintip, Sloatan, Demus, and Toak. I’m a runner! Go, go, go!
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History of Arlor:
Since 1347, the goblins have looted your towns, mutilated your dead, poisoned your water supply, impersonated your friends with advanced tech and attacking once your back is turned, stealing your goat and selling that goat back to you in the marketplace at 100x, butchering your pigs and when you confront them about it come up with stories of a boogeyman man which initially distracts people into wilderness expeditions where they are trapped in a mountain passage and forced to resort to cannibalism, and ravaged your wives and daughters. Rest assured, your champion Daogole will not rest until this foe is vanquished. There is also a slight chance that I may become enamored with their tribal culture, become one of them, learn their rituals, become part of their family, fight in their battles, go with them and your brother and sister to a rock concert, and seek the blessing of their leader. If that happens, just know that I meant well. Another possibility is that I may spend Thursday afternoons at the local library researching your genealogy to set up intimate trips with your kin and my unwed gardener to places like Fiji, Barbados, Bermuda, Bora Bora, and the Galápagos Islands. If that happens, they may spawn a race of giant mutant plants that wreak havoc. You will be required to deal with this emergency regarding your relatives. That will free me up to get to know your aunt and uncle better. We will use that time to remodel their home. That way, if you ever come to visit, you will be unwittingly thrust into an obstacle course of sorts. You will go through a room of mirrors and try to dodge some low intensity and completely safe lasers. So I hope you enjoy that. If you do not enjoy it, remember, your friendly Daogole has faced these challenges and come out on top. If he can do it, so can you! Except you probably won’t, but don’t let that get you down.
with your wife
❄️submarining, spelunking, fighting demons, walks on the beach with your family
❄️soothsayer, holder of the 9 Chalices, disciple of the Way, deceased
It turns out that cracked water jewels cannot be snorted. -Baldur