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  1. i have a feeling people are stressing out too...

    i have a feeling people are stressing out too much with the gold/plat entry.. love the ideea of having more then 4 people in a map :)
    Im just wonderig when/how we will use the new arcane weps? Atm...
  2. It's realy a shame stuff like this happens.... i...

    It's realy a shame stuff like this happens.... i lost my ring because i gifted to a friend, i didnt make a thread or huge drama out of it because i gifted him, just as i gifted items before, didnt...
  3. Replies

    All those here who comment "dont lend items " i...

    All those here who comment "dont lend items " i call it bluff , im sure everyone gave SOMETHING at one point , even a Lix, ank ... something.....
    It's a worldwide game people have friends, family...
  4. Replies

    Gl with the guild :) starter guilds are important...

    Gl with the guild :) starter guilds are important , you can make new friends and help eachother , we all started that way have fun!
  5. same i said on page 3 keep it app related ...

    same i said on page 3 keep it app related ...
  6. if you didnt understand what i said just read it...

    if you didnt understand what i said just read it again, nothing against the person just want this tread to be about Apps and that's all
  7. lol honestly another leo spam thread , i came...

    lol honestly another leo spam thread , i came here to read about the apps not about her hands/kid/work etc, keep it game related rly ...not novels.
  8. Replies

    Gz to the nr 1 spot , i know that Nitro is happy...

    Gz to the nr 1 spot , i know that Nitro is happy and his guildies also but you have to understand that guilds last in time with the respect of others. If you tend to poach members and use other...
  9. Strong and Proud "We aim to misbehave" T4

    Deviant Misfits is a guild that originally splintered off of a guild and
    rose to the top based on friendship, hard work, and dedication. As great members come and go,
    we continue to remain elite...
  10. Hi guys! Event is here so everyone is busy and we...

    Hi guys! Event is here so everyone is busy and we love that!

    As you guys noticed we been busy these last weeks, all the mains had to be caped, we gave everyone time for that. Almost a month...
  11. Replies

    it's sad to hear this, i wish her well :) best...

    it's sad to hear this, i wish her well :) best regards
  12. Replies

    This is a nice topic....don't see lots of these...

    This is a nice topic....don't see lots of these lately

    Since i started this game 3y ago i never imagined i come this far with it.. Got to chat with some pretty amazing people all over the world,...
  13. Replies

    Bro Aziiii ........ soo umm u have an extra...

    Bro Aziiii ........ soo umm u have an extra Egg??? XD
  14. Just.......just take a moment....and look at all...

    Just.......just take a moment....and look at all that CAKE!!!! <3 <3
  15. Replies

    it's a game, it's farmable, not everything is...

    it's a game, it's farmable, not everything is about opening crates....
  16. guild loooookin good :)

    guild loooookin good :)
  17. Thread: Dream Goals!

    by Aziiii

    actualy in the first season warriors where pretty...

    actualy in the first season warriors where pretty op you rly needed one in a map ( not that u dont need one now ) just compared .....overall game changed
  18. pro's since s 1

    pro's since s 1
  19. Pros since s1 :)

    Pros since s1 :)
  20. Thread: < karma >

    by Aziiii

    Gl with the rebuilding , have fun guys! :)

    Gl with the rebuilding , have fun guys! :)
  21. Replies

    nice work on Kaliza runs guys :) gj

    nice work on Kaliza runs guys :) gj
  22. Replies

    im not sure i understand what do u want....if you...

    im not sure i understand what do u want....if you want pve then veil is a good choise, as for pvp you need packs.Bows have more dmg....and u need dmg, a dead rogue is a no dmg rogue. I personaly dont...
  23. Happy new year Dm's ! Ty for all the help and...

    Happy new year Dm's ! Ty for all the help and hard work everyone has done these last weeks. It's not easy being gm of such a big guild and i want to thank everyone that helped all this time. First of...
  24. welcome lovelies ~ and have fun :D

    welcome lovelies ~ and have fun :D
  25. its a myth,,,

    its a myth,,,
Results 1 to 25 of 125
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