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  1. Replies

    Pretty much the same here, but while im killing...

    Pretty much the same here, but while im killing everything in my path hunting it the rest of party just sits there and when it spawns and then i kill they are like where is it, lol it's dead i just...
  2. Replies

    Aedenous and drgrimmy make some valid points and...

    Aedenous and drgrimmy make some valid points and i agree with you both 100%. Finding a decent party seems almost impossible lately because one of 3-4 things generally seem to happen, they are...
  3. No frostir is definitely hitting out of his zone...

    No frostir is definitely hitting out of his zone even if you escape (with a speed elixer or frost 15% movement speed boost) it by a wide margin and he seems to hit harder in normal maps than in elite...
  4. Replies

    Sorry but unfortunately you are wrong it will...

    Sorry but unfortunately you are wrong it will happen in either normal or elite it really doesn't matter which one and i know this for a fact because it has happened to me plenty of times most recent...
  5. I agree with you on the frostbite thing and that...

    I agree with you on the frostbite thing and that it's definitely pulling people out of its range but it's not as bad as it used to be. I disagree with you on the frostnir one because i checked my...
  6. I really don't understand stand why they haven't...

    I really don't understand stand why they haven't addressed this issue yet, it's been a few weeks and a lot of people have complained about it on and off the forums but they don't seem to care or want...
  7. Replies

    Lol there's always been other players accusing...

    Lol there's always been other players accusing others of cheating just because they get crushed. It's happened to me so many times especially when i went 1 vs 1 against people one rogue said the...
  8. Replies

    Can't believe that they just virtually abandoned...

    Can't believe that they just virtually abandoned this game, it was really fun for awhile but the lack of content got boring after awhile and when al released a lot of people went there including me....
  9. Replies

    This was a bad idea, instead of nerfing everyone...

    This was a bad idea, instead of nerfing everyone and giving warriors another advantage why don't try to balance everyone.

    Rogues were already crippled in the mana department with how much each...
  10. Anyone else annoyed about people calling everyone noob

    Some people take this game way to serious and some are just rude to other players, and and caring lots of people noob or other stuffuse that. Also a lot of people just call people hackers because...
  11. Replies

    Ive been in the guild awhile and i really like...

    Ive been in the guild awhile and i really like it. We have alot of strong players and good people pm me or friend me if you want to join.
  12. Replies

    The Klutus bug is annoying, i agree that the new...

    The Klutus bug is annoying, i agree that the new item recomendations are useless. Keeps saying all green, epics are better than the level 16 legendary gear i have.
  13. Replies

    Im more of balanced build keeping 15-30 example...

    Im more of balanced build keeping 15-30 example 35-65-15 and use gear to tailor to what i want, the only real problem i have i mana regain not damage nor kills. Its not a build would only recomend if...
Results 1 to 13 of 13