Pl has a total of 7 million players, so if AL has 10x the number of players than PL, wouldn't that be 70 million players in AL? I find that hard to believe since 70 million players wouldn't play on...
Pl has a total of 7 million players, so if AL has 10x the number of players than PL, wouldn't that be 70 million players in AL? I find that hard to believe since 70 million players wouldn't play on...
There was an thread about AL dating, now there's DL dating.. What's next? A SL or PL dating thread? Lol
You know what else ruins a player's experience? Having a Mage on their Ctf team that never heals...[/QUOTE]
Or revive when ur team is dead right by the mage
That build is for lvl 42 since it requires 41 skill points...
The dragon sets don't give dodge, if u want a dodge ring then u could buy the 10 plat one that gives 2% dodge and 8 armor?
I would consider it scamming since if u would buy their overpriced items from their alt and then try to sell it to them, they would just run off....
It's almost impossible trying int mage in endgame since u die so easy and fast, it's like free kills to the birds.
U could try:
U should try kiting with this combo
23 forg bear build:
6 rage
6 beckon
5 stomp
3 super mega slash
2 vengeful slash
Combo: rage, beckon,vengeful,stomp,sms
Your best bet would be to go with pally becuz you can get nuked/ one shotted easy by birds and bears. Bears op beastly set can just beckon and stomp and u be dead, birds can just root shatter blast...
Grats on your new guild! Hope all goes well
Scammers these days, desperate trying to be in the ranks of hardcore rich farmers who earned their money the fair way
good luck on your guild
It sometimes depends on the mob ur dealing with. As in blacksmith mountain those golems dodge a lot and especially those mini guys. But it also can be your hit percent,range or the mobs are simply...
Hey PL fans!
I noticed that this 81 cap we are looking forward to haven't come for a long time unlike the previous caps that took around 3-7 month. right now currently it has been 8 and a half...
Why not make a 35 tourney... Tourney will solve all the problems of who is really the best
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I feel bad for the wii-U when xbox720 and ps4 comes out
i got a feeling our next expansion is cowboy themed
I was hoping there should have a new vanity for new year's DotD, But apparently not? Anyone else agree STS should have a new vanity for new years?
But anyways, Happy new years everyone
took me 7 trys for the bahum pack and got 1 red santa lol
Meet my Rhino
Glad to help :)
Skeleton crypts or road to forest haven, just get shamus and u get bunch of scraps in no time
Good karma in DL :D
all of the pics seem awesome! kinda hard to choose that stands out all of them