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  1. Replies

    OOD Tutorial Video - How to find Vular Ticker

    This vid is for those who have trouble finding Vular Ticker (there are other ways to find it; this is just one way). Feel free to refer others to this video. And if you end up finding ticker,...
  2. Deathpunch Combat Keyboard for your qHD/HDPI/MDPI Android device.

    Have you ever been on a run, pull up the chat and your board and get annoyed that half of your screen is blocked by the keyboard? I know I sure have. :D

    It is my intent with this thread to remedy...
  3. Replies

    Devs are working on lowering the requirements of...

    Devs are working on lowering the requirements of gear in order to allow dual speccing again.

    It was caused by some part of the code being transferred over from SL or something. It made it so that...
  4. Most of my work here at Spacetime Studios is...

    Most of my work here at Spacetime Studios is actually done on paper with a ball-point pen, funny enough (it seemed to kind of weird them out for a while when I first started here), and lots of...
  5. Replies

    The name Artemis is mine and mine only(: Both...

    The name Artemis is mine and mine only(: Both times the devs free'd it just for me. and btw, you cant have droid, thats the name of one of the devs the first time they wanted to give out antennas.
  6. Replies

    The red icon in the button left is report post....

    The red icon in the button left is report post. This is only to be used if there is something offensive withing thr post or something else against STS. To give someone bad reputation you would want...
  7. Replies

    If you see at the bottom of their names.Take...

    If you see at the bottom of their names.Take cascades name for example you the button that says thanks right?Well there's a green thumb and a red sign next to it.I'm assuming that if you push the red...
  8. Having been shocked many times by voltages higher...

    Having been shocked many times by voltages higher than the 120v out of a wall outlet, I can tell you it is not comfortable and can be deadly if you have a weak heart. I am no doctor, but if you...
  9. Need to go see a doctor. Don't wait it out.

    Need to go see a doctor. Don't wait it out.
Results 1 to 9 of 9