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  1. Why did it happen? I have theories of course,...

    Why did it happen?

    I have theories of course, but without access to STS’ internal information, I can never be sure. But we can make an educated guess.

    I suspect that whoever is in charge...
  2. Twinking PvP situation Twinking deserves its...

    Twinking PvP situation

    Twinking deserves its own separate section. I want to draw your attention to Crimsontider’s thread. It’s perhaps the most comprehensive thread that attempted to address the...
  3. Endgame PvP Situation The PvP situation is...

    Endgame PvP Situation

    The PvP situation is somewhat more complicated. The reason is because we have several tiers of PvP, each with different equipment, different relative class...
  4. PvE Situation The PvE Situation of PL is...

    PvE Situation

    The PvE Situation of PL is relatively simple. Endgame is now an elixir dominated event. Players that are wealthy or who have reached 71 have mostly gotten there by more or less...
  5. PL Today – In-Depth Analysis and Long Term Outlook

    Well to begin with, I’ve been gone for quite some time (about 6 months) and due to real life issues (will be moving soon and I’m due for surgery soon), but I’ve been back long enough to...
  6. Thread: New pet ideas!

    by Roc

    新年快乐!Yes! Little dragons for everyone~ 5032

    新年快乐!Yes! Little dragons for everyone~

  7. Aikiebo I got a fact for you. That post was way...

    Aikiebo I got a fact for you. That post was way to long.
  8. This is a short post. This is not. ...

    This is a short post.

    This is not.

  9. Replies

    Because I am giving a helpful suggestion that I...

    Because I am giving a helpful suggestion that I intended to help players understand better in the game. In return I am being barraged by endless lines of text telling me I am wrong for giving...
  10. The issue was with the mobile style. We've...

    The issue was with the mobile style. We've deactivated the mobile style from the site for now. You can either use the full site or use the Community App to access the forum content.

    We'll bring...
  11. Replies

    tip bar = advertisements

  12. Will test some more, but enemy mages can cast...

    Will test some more, but enemy mages can cast weakness/nightmare so that is a possible explanation for what you saw.
  13. Replies

    Merry Christmas to you all! [Video]

    After reading all of the latest update comments, I decided to make a little Winter video for you all.Tell me if it looks bad!

    Let's not worry and enjoy the real holiday. :)

  14. Replies

    My ideas as requested by Javi

    In my thread javier suggested i throw my ideas into the lions cage to be chewed up and mulled over. Here they are.

  15. I already posted my opinion on the matter, and...

    I already posted my opinion on the matter, and the entire thread I posted it on was deleted. My opinion clearly isn't a valued one:/
  16. Anyone seen a recipe drop in last 3 days? Or are recipes plat only now?

    So I'm curious, since as far as I can tell, my re-rolls are still greens and pinks are dropping, but as a 1st drop.
    So did recipe drops get re-written?

    Anyone seen a recipe drop this week?
Results 1 to 16 of 17