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  1. Sticky: Warning: Do Not Try to Buy Items or Gold for Real World Cash. You'll Only Get Scammed

    I want to repost a recent Private Message I received (with names removed):

    While the person doing the scamming will likely lose access to our games, they still have taken off with this...
  2. In Development - New Exploration Maps and Balance Refinements

    The Arcane Legends Development Team is continuing to look at how players are playing Arcane Legends PvP and PvE and...
  3. Loot improvements and other refinements, new daily quest, vanities and more

    Hey everyone,

    Just a quick head's up that we have a nice little patch for Arcane Legends coming together. It will probably go out tomorrow afternoon. It includes:

    * Elite Gold Chests (of any...
  4. Replies

    Merchanting, how to get rich!

    Zaonabiuibil's Merchanting Guide

    Ever feel like you can't get enough money to even feed your pet? Wish you could buy potions without breaking your bank? Read on, and learn how to have enough money...
  5. Replies

    Sticky: User Guides to Vanities and Pinks

    We complied all the user submitted sticky threads about vanities and pinks into this thread.

    Blacksmoke Mountain- List of Pinks and Stats
    User: Whirlzap

    Pinks with Stats and Pictures -...
Results 1 to 5 of 5