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  1. Replies

    Nah we don't need mods. People are just gonna...

    Nah we don't need mods. People are just gonna abuse authority to feel like they're superior to others. I especially expect this type of behavior from the type of people that volunteer to be mods....
  2. Cinco, thank you so much for the addition of new...

    Cinco, thank you so much for the addition of new items; I love the new red set! Unfortunately, people will always find something to complain about, than again, you cannot satisfy everyone. ...
  3. You're right - the gold loot is being split up....

    You're right - the gold loot is being split up. It shouldn't be. Gold loot should be individual so that you can play with others without losing gold. We'll be changing this very soon.
  4. To be clear: the only items affected by this...

    To be clear: the only items affected by this 'policy' are the ones that appear in the new limited sales system.
  5. Replies

    Are you familiar with Lucerath Giger? It’s...

    Are you familiar with Lucerath Giger? It’s different but just as good.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Replies

    This is the vendor that I mentioned at the end of...

    This is the vendor that I mentioned at the end of the Valentine's event preview post. It will appear on the 17th and will give you a chance to purchase some of the 2022 items (like wings, etc.) - and...
Results 1 to 6 of 6