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  1. Congrats to the winners!! Great job! :)

    Congrats to the winners!! Great job! :)
  2. fantastic congratz brave ladies and gents :p ...

    fantastic congratz brave ladies and gents :p

    and a special yay to my ladie friends Rossamund, and Agnes!!! congratz...can you guys buy me something lol
  3. Can you conquer death: Voleria Edition - Part III: Results - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

    Can you conquer death: Voleria Edition - Part III: Results - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

    WOW!! WHAT A CONTEST! I honestly didn't think that was going to go as well as it did, but that was a great week...
  4. Thread locked by request, looking forward to...

    Thread locked by request, looking forward to seeing the results!
  5. CONTEST OVER If all judges could please...


    If all judges could please message me their data, I'd like to begin analyzing these results.
    Look for a new thread by Friday announcing the winners!

    Please lock this thread.
Results 1 to 5 of 5