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  1. Quest Filtering Option & Cancel Quest Button

    Dear Powers that Be:

    Is it possible to add an option to view quests by map/area? If I wanted to see everything available/open/completed in fester fang then I would like to be able to select this...
  2. Thread: "Rizzer" Title

    by lxtinal

    Chat box will be spammed with marriage...

    Chat box will be spammed with marriage broadcasts. Love it!
  3. Replies

    The option to revive as normal character is by...

    The option to revive as normal character is by far the best idea here. If players will know they get to keep all their hard earned items even if they die, then more people will try hardcore mode. I'm...
  4. Thats actually a really good point made about the...

    Thats actually a really good point made about the last perk on the giving the impression that it would mean might be better one! thank you for the perspective, never actually crossed my mind thank...
  5. Replies

    well wish you the best and hope you achieve...

    well wish you the best and hope you achieve whichever vanity you are aiming for !
  6. Replies

    Juggernaut & Korruption

    The pet Korruption has an arcane ability that nullifies 'heal overtime' effects.

    Why is the 'second wind' upgrade for the Juggernaut skill for warriors considered heal overtime?

    The upgrade...
  7. Well, you said there is unbalanced pvp now. But I...

    Well, you said there is unbalanced pvp now. But I want to ask you, why do you call it "unbalanced" if people who really wants to be top at their level must have the best gear and lots of skills....
  8. Replies

    I dont know where you guys get the idea that...

    I dont know where you guys get the idea that nobody is complaning about the old match-making system. It was a hot topic that pops up every now and then ever since the PvP was introduced. The forum...
Results 1 to 8 of 8