After 7 years; do devs still not consider giving us more skills?
I dont mean more skill slots (however this would also be nice because sometimes playing as a rog in PvE can be boring i dont know about the other classes)
Ps what I am saying here is only my PvE perspective because I do not PvP
I mean we actually need more skills, dont we?
Almost every rogue, warrior and mage setup looks the same, everyone uses the same because some skills are just useless (hate to say it).
I think it is appropriate that after 7 years we can request some new skills for all classes.
Yeah, we got Skill Masteries (wow, same Skills we already have just upgraded > doesnt count)
And we got an Ultimate which is pretty nice to run 200% faster for me BUT I can maybe use it 1-2 times in a map so > doesnt count either.
So basically only minor skill updates in these 7 years of playing.
I can only speak for myself here right now, but please give us 1 or 2 events less this or next year, and focus your time and money and dedication and creativity on some actual skills which are permanent and add some fun.
Thanks in advance,