Lil' Luck does not give a drop bonus, it's just a vanity item.
The ability for Big Luck to grant Lil' Luck will go away in a few days. Big Luck will always give the player a drop bonus while equipped.
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Lil' Luck does not give a drop bonus, it's just a vanity item.
The ability for Big Luck to grant Lil' Luck will go away in a few days. Big Luck will always give the player a drop bonus while equipped.
Thanks, ill deff buy one for increased luk :)
Yeah, isn't this the only vanity helm that offers a bonus (especially one you can't get elsewhere)?
Love it that we get extra luck, im def using it now for my chars :)
Yes. If this is permanent then everyone will be wearing this at upper levels to farm until the next big bonus vanity item comes by. I liked seeing different Vanity Items being worn by parties, it gives us a sense of individuality but with a permabonus on the luck hat we just look like spawns of each other :(
I don't mind if it stays... I've only got one BS drop since it came out. Never got any void, rift, or cosmos either. No shadow drops too. :p
Have anyone noticed there is ---"27"--- FH quests ???
I agree with him and Lesrider...and if you were forced to choose between wearing a Crown of Persistence or any other cool vanity hat, and wearing kinda silly-looking Shamrocks on your head forever...well, everyone is just going to wear Shamrocks forever and that would be b-o-r-i-n-g.
For those of us with Crowns of Persistence, not only are there no set bonuses (yet), now we have even less incentive to wear them.
Most people already wished there was some better degree of customization/skinning.
People screamed when everyone was running around in Shadow gear that we were all clones, this is just more of the clone same clone same clone same.
As much as I hate to say it....temporary luck increase not permanent, please.
Or at the very least, give the option to 'Hide Vanity' like we have to 'Hide Hat'. Sounds funny, but would work, at least from the visual/vanity angle.
Ok, we'll consider making them temporary.
nooo please no temporary. It doesnt look that great and a waste of 15 plats!! :( I bought because I read it will be permanent otherwise I could make do without.