Lol I was looking for it. It's hard to tell when the splash happens and what it does. Ty
I was in indigo and wiffed twice on the boss. In outpost I missed several mages and rogues. Both times i...
Lol I was looking for it. It's hard to tell when the splash happens and what it does. Ty
I was in indigo and wiffed twice on the boss. In outpost I missed several mages and rogues. Both times i...
Dear Cinco I want to contribute and that's what I'm trying to do, I imagined that what should be the best weapon in the game is not because a boss has protection against dots, And about the tests I...
yes u right, forget me xD and thxs mr cinco
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Mr Cinco, excuse me. The translator hehe
After a little testing my only complaint about the hammer is the attack speed. 2 charged attacks then spam normal takes a really long time. In portals and on elder bosses time is an issue. With a...
Final bow review:
PvE- If you are new to the game, do not own kraken armor then this bow is for you. It can be used with legendary gear and the proc still works. Just charge your bow and off you...
I tested almost all weapons, as a person who owns rusk and kraken gears, I do use sb weapon only to get the sb set proc, but the weapon proc ain't bad, I assume it can even be used to kill...
You can wear only 3 pcs, no need for full set
the problem this would cause would be very big.
it would be very easy to manipulate the price in auc if he didn't receive a fee for placing each item.
People who are unsure of the value of...
you do have a point there. still hoping that its drop rate is extremely rare so that it won't turn into a common set. the plat tier badge and title looks awesome btw
Ahh sneaky cinco love it haha thanks :)
Thanks, Cinco. Again, we appreciate you guys for keeping Arlor alive. Have a good / long holiday weekend!
Oh well I see..
But thank you for looking into it Cinco, appreciated the listening to the community ^^
Well that's shut everyone up and you do look a lot handsomer irl than that photo. Whoever took that photo got the angle wrong.
nope nevermnd my request , ive found a way :)
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Wonderful game still 11yrs later, Cinco you are appreciated !!! your biggest fan Astraltank
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was good to see you cinco
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No problem at all and hi Cinco!
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Have fun guys <3
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House Location: VMY
Turn up the HEAT!!!
Description: Bodyguarding Pan
Description: Asommers Dropping A Visit To The Booze Party
Description: Deadsuperman's Night Club
House Location : Uweabasa's House
Description: Me and my friends chillin' and drinking while waiting for the other guests to come and visit and celebrate the ongoing House Party Event for this...
How's the house party going everyone? Let's post our screenshots in here while celebrating this event.
Just type House Location that you're in right now plus a screenshot of your character with...
No worries Cinco I see your point and I appreciate the response man!
Also I don't know why you guys are worried, they always wear that medusa set and said they don't have plans on releasing it. And even if they did its not the OG.