Upp still buying
Type: Posts; User: JSTKill
Upp still buying
Wow thanks)
As title said. Buying CLR SET or parts. Drop your prices PM. Thank you.
As title say. Pm or mail me JSTKill
C/O - 170m
Auto - 200m
C/O - 130m
Auto - 150m
Thank you all! I decided not to sell set. Save gold to buy a set at the winter event! Good hunting)
Sold in game.
As title said.
C/O - 30m
Auto - 45m
Sold in game.
Bump still selling update add bow
C/O - 45m
Auto - 55m
Offer here or mail me.
Plus Selling Bounty hunter bow SOLD ing
Bump still buying
Sa title say. Buy prof ring clr or bad awak.
Sold all close threat.
Pm me offer or drop here. Prefer selling bulk. Now have 50 keys x30.
Sold. Pls. Close threat.
Bump still selling
As title say.
5.5% dex 2% arm
C/O - 165m
Auto 185m
As title said. Mail me.
Bump still selling
Sold close threat pls.
Bump still selling
Bump still selling
C/O - 150m
Auto - 180m
Still buying. Prefer daggers.