Sold Thread closed .
Type: Posts; User: Nucleus121
Sold Thread closed .
Oh thanks for info !
Was trying to put my x email char name to y email by deleteing the char . It still stays the name in use . I am able to retake the name in x email . Any bug ?
Decided to keep . Lower priced auc.
Auto is 125m let me know .
Still up for sale.
Still Up for Sale.
What about those players who opened thousands of bags and didnt drop artifact in week 1 ?
Still selling.
Auto Blasphemous 200m and Silcalyte 450m. Let me know whoever is interested with IGN . Open For offers but that should be more than my auto worth .
Prices are Blasphemous Set Rouge Lb for 200m and Rouge Silcalyte Set Lb for 450m . Still up for sale if anyone is interested.
Still Up for Sale.
Still selling !
Still Up for Sale.
Arcane artifact drops ? Havent seen a single one auc. Can you guys check ?
Still Selling .
If you Can push your budget to blasphemous for 200 and serpeant 450 I will sell . You can add items if not pure .
Possible to add something more in Plat Tier ? That feels empty with just wings.... Also A suggestion to add one of the house deed for tokens in vendor . Will really appreciate that !
No autos . I will sell on decent price if you got something to offer. You can dm me .
Still Selling !
Still up for sale.
Still up for sale !
Still Selling.
Blasphemous Set .
Silcalyte Serpeant Set .
Taking both gold offers and items offers . Let me know thanks !
Still Selling .