For some reason whenever i try to login now with my facebook to play it takes around three to five minutes to log in for some reason. i've tried many different fixes like clearing the cache on my...
Type: Posts; User: Krem
For some reason whenever i try to login now with my facebook to play it takes around three to five minutes to log in for some reason. i've tried many different fixes like clearing the cache on my...
Oh wow... That's something I'm never gonna get O.o
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I knew my hp was kinda low, but i'm also wondering if my armor should exceed like, 1500? and more crit.
Ign: Kremtoa
Elites: all
Friend requests: Yep
Lv: 46
Hi, I average about 780 damage, 1380 armor, 4k hp and 30% crit with my sorceror, i was wondering what would be good stats so i wouldnt end up being one shotted by rogues or a crit lightning by...
Colton and Orion are good ones for a mage, last time i checked both below 100k each as well.
My favorite legends are Blinky because of it's crit and damage bonus, as well as Nilbog (Only available during goblin event) Because of nice crit and a good hp bonus, but i kinda with it's aa was...
If you can get the right one of is, expedition gun has definitely more paragem guns, but the proc is useless as a lvl 5 magikarp, and its stats are a tiny bit less.
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I just got rid of all my gear for lv 12 mage, I had 140 damage, 1600 up, 380 armor, and 10% crit using one parastone, add me on my main and I can help you cuz I never play on the lv 12 now. Ign:...
This looks awesome! :D
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Would these vanities still work if a sorcerer used a staff, a rogue used daggers, or a warrior used a sword and shield? I had an idea that since its vampire slayer themed, that a garlic themed staff...
Im glad that a duel arena is finally being implemented, no more nasty gangers :)
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Party: Kremtoa, Angelscythe, Mrnejc,...
I'm also noticing a problem of buying multiple energy kits from the cs, but I can't use them for crafting food even though I have a high surplus of them. And they are the plat purchased ones.
I would have ran with you bro, but I couldn't have been bothered to do it XD
Awesome its finally here!! :D
This is a good idea in my opinion, as it would make Tanks more in a way, desirable for elites and what not.