Fix this asap.
Type: Posts; User: Blocking
Fix this asap.
‘Trade friendly’ but not tradable 😂 surely this is a joke
No way you guys did us like that fix it please!
Untradable set, needs to be tradable!!
Why isn’t pink set Tradable lmao? It’s a plat item and expensive! Make it tradable… this is ridiculous.
Futumsh can you add pirate credit implant to loot drop too since credit crusher drop? Thank you if you can.
I do not disagree with those set but if they do release them they will also be expensive too so how will people who miss elixirs be able to afford 200m+ set and no 100k elixir
Elixirs are around 100k each during the event and after the event for a a few months so players who miss the event have the chance to still get them for very cheap
Elixirs gonna come back next event you can farm thousands of them. I don’t see problem here
Yes correct 1k plat is good price
Insane… not giving more then 1k for this set
Don’t make expensive make affordable for all player like 1000 plat
How much plat will the pink set cost so I can top up on platinum Futumsh
What an awesome event! Can you also rename pink flowers to “pink bouquet” and add these as a a valentine daily deal will definitely be buying platonim
Ok so what I mean is
1) you heart the scorn headdress helmet (favourite it).
2) you close the app completely (on mobile)
3) reload the app and the scorn headdress is unhearted for some...
Possible to get fix for this?
Scorn headdress keeps unhearting itself if you heart the item and close app and reload it doesn’t stay hearted pls fix I almost delete by accident
Can you make OG rover for next weekend daily deal? Would like to buy one it goes with E6 set very cool event people love this now
Is possible to buff the credit drops abit stable out eco thank you that would be all we ask and thank you for streamers Futumsh
Add streamers and this will be best event
Can you add streamers to the loot thanks would be fun to loot something
Can you change the credit drop amount please increase to 250k would appreciate it
Futumsh please add the other pieces so i can continue to farm for it other players want to complete set too
Futumsh can you add arms and legs to the crate it’s impossible to get the set please thank you it’s pointless having half a set need to be fixed
Futumsh please can you add snow and Christmas tree to base as a theme to bring a Christmas spirit to player who can’t afford to enter map? Just to bring Christmas vibe thanks