Evil king gerik's sword vanity for war please
Type: Posts; User: nphw
Evil king gerik's sword vanity for war please
still no more planar arena farm :(
Add new achievements for honor pvp instead of housing related. I am lvl76 still can't afford those housing related stuffs. Honor pvp is way more deserving than housing stuffs to have achievements.
Since old good looking weps are now vanities, I suggest to make a vanity version of the Evil King Gerik's Sword for war. They can also do some vanities for other classes to similar to that wep if...
Now I know why I dont earn tokens too xd. Thanks
How about the mountain dweller ceremonial disc when facing front and sideways. Is it also a bug?
Is scorch's shield similar to nekro's shield when it comes to absorbing damage?
I'll definitely try this. Thanks btw
I use this ultimate on dragkin temple event bc i have potato stats and it helps me a lot xd
this is what im using right now except for artifact. Cant afford for now
They should add a 3 day event everytime NASA's doin some exploration to space and that will be a vanity that can be bought using tokens. They could make some mars planet map for that event and...
Is it worth to buy? Im planning to buy it
I wonder what it looks like while wearing that spirit set on rog
That aa is op