Still for sale
Type: Posts; User: hrvatskacro
Still for sale
Sold co closed
Sell speed set malig int
Ring 8%int 20gl
Amulet 7.5%int
Sell kraken armor 7%int 4.5%dex 3%str 1.5%hp
Co 280x2ppl
Closed, ill do new for last 2 items
Offer me not sellin for too low divine rather keep then,
Also almost everything has been sold still fot sale armor, divine and malig ss
75,5 vamp aura
Whats auto?
Whats ur offer
Nty too low and got higher co, still sellin
I buy 30.5 holley
Ign- colective
Co -gun 280, armor -280, amror+belt 380, helm 120(guy who offere dbought of someone else as i wasnt there so no co on helm
Offer in game through mail or msg -colective
KRAKEN GUN - 9.5% int/ SOLD305m/
KRAKEN HELM - 8% int, 2.5% crit /SOLD130m/
KRAKEN ARMOR - 7% int, 1.5% hp
KRAKEN BELT - 8% int, 3% armor, 8 ms /SOLD110m/
KRAKEN AA - 7% int, 3% armor 150hp...
I got 3%int 3%armor
Send Through mail or here
45m for vortex
Paying pure
Dont hmu w dumbass overpriced prices
Lmaooo nty seem multiple ppl sel 50
Buy red arlor hat mage nd aura dont send if dumb prices
90.5 for golem
Buy those vanity lmk - colective
Sold 55 close
Selling crypt set mage