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  1. Replies

    the developer wants to make each map full of...

    the developer wants to make each map full of players by reducing the exp they receive, in fact the map is even quieter. even some of the previous maps were busy so there are no people now
  2. Sts p2w Drives player bases away f2p is more fun...

    Sts p2w Drives player bases away f2p is more fun because the fun of grinding and farming materials to exchange currency at vendors is part of the mmo experience and also incites more new players to...
  3. This isn’t a good path sts is going on

    This isn’t a good path sts is going on
  4. Actually I'm looking forward for this event. BUT,...

    Actually I'm looking forward for this event. BUT, this is not the right time to bring this event up!
    It is better to just expand the duration of Egg-Zavier event another week.
    Please please, could...
  5. I look forward to looting monsters that will be...

    I look forward to looting monsters that will be liquidated in my inv
  6. Replies

    Show Haste Added attributes

    Haste stat if i have calculated correctly should increase our DPS stat. which is not shown when equipping extra haste stats to our characters.

    by using this simple method i have calculated the...
  7. In my opinion, heroic anky is a must be in the...

    In my opinion, heroic anky is a must be in the vendor, thanks

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  8. @Cinco hey wouldn't it be easier to say "All eggs...

    @Cinco hey wouldn't it be easier to say "All eggs drop from eggzavior/chest etc except (list)." Would help alot imo to say which eggs are not included since its a smaller list than the eggs that are...
  9. Sticky: Can You bring back the Slots in vendors the game...

    Can You bring back the Slots in vendors the game isn't getting new players because someone who never played this game before wouldn't want to spend money on a game they dont even know that dosnt make...
  10. Sticky: Should've at least left the story token vendor as...

    Should've at least left the story token vendor as is.....sigh
    This is really sad for new players....

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  11. Replies

    I really don't think you understand the impact...

    I really don't think you understand the impact this change has. No one cares about red eggs. Explain to me after this change how does someone in hard core who is free to play obtain slots for their...
  12. It sounds like you think that I'm complaining...

    It sounds like you think that I'm complaining only about nerfing elite rahab drop.
    I'm not complaining about nerfing elite rahab, because I knew that another nerf would come sooner or later. I'm...
  13. Stacking vs. Standard Damage: Which One Is Better?

    Heroic Garlic's hb is extremely powerful for offense. The 25% haste makes your skill cooldowns and weapon normal attacks 25% faster. The 20% crit chance helps mages and warriors land crits more...
  14. Stacking vs. Standard Damage: Which One Is Better?

    Hello! I wanted to make this as a guide to help people decide on how to spec out their gear or pets. First off, let's talk about the difference between stacking and standard damage. The first obvious...
  15. Replies

    While I am seldom (if ever) consistent, it's...

    While I am seldom (if ever) consistent, it's important to point out what's true and what's twisted. I did not make an absolute statement on this matter; I indicated that we tend not to include...
  16. Replies

    I am am old player, I feel bad for newer players...

    I am am old player, I feel bad for newer players trying to find a way up the ladder when all these items are getting ridiculously expensive.

    Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk
  17. Replies

    Sticky: [Official] New Player Experience Feedback Thread

    Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from...
  18. Replies

    A brilliant event, yes but....

    I usually dont make my posts with that kind of heading but just had to get the attention of readers hehe!
    So on the event; i bet most will agree that this, like the Eggzavier and Awakening Gem event...
Results 1 to 18 of 19