What's the harm in changing the title? Is it really that big of a deal?
I think it represents the video content better anyway
What's the harm in changing the title? Is it really that big of a deal?
I think it represents the video content better anyway
How many steps are there overall? I think I got the next step and I spent many hours doing it and not sure if it is correct but it's my best guess with a lot of trial and error.
So I tried...
I was going to give you a really cool one for free until I saw this. Good luck!
If you can afford to donate why not just buy plat???
Then both parties benefit
Agree great idea
It seems to me like you prefer coming up with execuses than working; I dont know you very well so i am just gessing. Maybe I am wrong but these comments makes me think this.
Like the top player...
I think you misunderstand what people are trying to say here. You must remember this is a forum where every time someone posts, the conversation changes and evolves.
The issue at hand is not as...
The Sorceress has finally figured out the secret of the dead and reached her maximum potential. She casted a spell which opened up portal between time and dimension leading to a number of changes in...
The third attached image is not magma lol.
Would have defo bought plat if heroic lucky or Titan but still cool this happened
"It" looks amazing