Still for sale taking offers
Type: Posts; User: Blvckvxmpy
Still for sale taking offers
Can y’all just shut up
As title states selling one of the 3-4 professor peculiarity’s in the game
Pm me here your offers .
Leave your offers below accepting swaps for pure + items or rogue vanity’s
C/o 1# 3.5b+...
There’s been like 5 marvel events since these came out and they’ve never be re-released and never will, the only things that have been released twice are obviously collectibles which was expected lol...
R u dumb? If someone replies I’m able to respond back, also they’re paying for rarity and a nice item in general not just purple lights on your hands, if that’s how you describe vanity’s clearly...
As title states my friend is selling one of the 3-4 professor peculiarity’s in the game
Pm me here your offers .
Leave your offers below accepting swaps for pure + items or rogue vanity’s
Thread closed sold 1.64b pure
I sold mine for 5b to crazystr a month or so ago so ur pricing it pretty cheap considering last sale was for that price
I’d suggest set auto to 5.5 or something unless your rushing
Check your pms sir
That’s simply not true, and ok thx for offer
8% dex vorlish bow
8% dex helm
8% dex 4% arm arc armor
8% dex arcane belt
8% dex bracelet
6% all bracelet
8.5% dex alacrity AA
7% dex 125 armor venom amulet
8% dex 100 hp venom ring ...
Bump da minor (i love minors)
If you used your eyes god gave you, you’d see that I said “it would make ppl mad and they’re ugly anyways, talking about the recolored ones .
If I were talking about the actual sets I’d say
I’ve seen fanmade recolored of the other versions and Medusa recolored is ugly, and even if I did say they’re ugly I meant if, I’d only buy it to make profit or flip it I’m not even a warrior I’m a...
Yea he wants like 3b for it that’s why 🤣🤣
I was talking about the recolored versions smart a$$
Would just make ppl mad and ngl they’re ugly anyways so -1
I’m pretty sure it said in week 2 crates
300 armor lucky relic
275 armor 3% dex vorlish bow
275 armor orc vest
275 armor orc helm
200 armor orc vest 225 armor orc helm
“Real buyer”
“Price is negotiable”
“Looking for 3-4 weeks”
If you could’ve made it happen whenever you want, it would’ve happen by now .
You sure? I mean you been looking for like 2 months now 😕
good thing you’re not rushing cuz it ain’t happening
I’ll buy belt for auto lmk
Bumping still available
Then why even mess with it at all?
If it doesn’t pay the bills they shouldn’t be doing absolutely anything for it, for example adding new bows 💀