Can you please make a version of rare gems available for bound too? Same thing you did for pride items
Can you please make a version of rare gems available for bound too? Same thing you did for pride items
Can you please increase or adjust the drop rate of gold? Is this a bug or intentional? Because the drop rate of gold is not the same as before. What is the point in returning gold event if we are...
When is free platinum returning in nightly rewards? We really need this please some can't even do events because no platinum to respec no good offers too
The return of Sin pattys set. Since it price is overtly high. Most will appreciate it returning this set.
I agree with getting new items, but I certainly do not agree of not returning old items permanently! I myself a old player, most of my items returned like 10-15x. But this is not the reason why vast...
At least now you admit you don't want to spend anything rather than keep complaining with your useless points. You talk too much but all you just wanna say you will not spend a dime on DL now who...
If you don't have the luxury to farm and spend much time farming then don't LMAO no one forcing you that is why items are available for platinums so for busy players can buy it but then I guess you...
Trinity and Blood Armor sets came back and believe me some players were unhappy about it, this vanities can be only access by top 25 LB players. 2 weeks of nonstop farming and suddenly they came...
Once and for all Blood Arcane Sets are Event Rewards vendor meaning only winners can access this vanities, same goes to Level 46 elder relic gems, rendazu, ravagers, cleavers and all those Level 46...
Yes..please add Old vanities like Iron sets, bounty, druidic and Undead. These are not rare items we can buy these by just farming golds everyday. These items came more than twice already alot of...
I love the concept truly and these new vanities as well. Those pets are really coooool and dopeee. I hope sts can consider these new ideas. It's inspiring alot of players coming here to suggest new...
Woah I love theseeee outfits! I like most the steampunk, silent killer and yes please same style of sanguine hat before for male avatar would be dopeeee.
Wow I love it so cool