Great event, but do you think you can add Amethyx pet as well, Futmush? Sooo many people want that pet to return.😊
Type: Posts; User: Panda19
Great event, but do you think you can add Amethyx pet as well, Futmush? Sooo many people want that pet to return.😊
Hey Futmush
The event is great, but the gem collection in the daily deals is flawed. Instead of the package giving all 4 gems for 800 platinum, it's only giving 1 ninja for most people. It says...
I am extremely glad to see that more "forgotten vanities" are returning. However, I think it would be great if the "forgotten vanities" are intertwined with brand new events/vanities that we have not...
So glad this event is returning! Do you think you all can add the daring demon gem and android beast gem to daily deals? I ask this because the gems are very hard to find in the game for purchase...
I was looking forward to a new level cap for DL's birthday, but I guess it's not happening; just another repetitive event. When are we, as players, going to have brand new items that have never been...
Hey Cinco!
Any new lvl cap updates? I know you said it was in the works, but it has been a good minute now. I am excited and looking forward to the new lvl cap :D
Crimson bio was a limited edition set that was purchased through the daily deals option. I could be wrong, but I do not think daily deals items come back.
I was looking forward to brand new, completely different vanities, considering that the Valentine's event is my favorite event that y'all host annually. It's a buzz kill to know that there are no new...
For those saying the drop rate is low, collect the energy as well. Energy icons can give either 10, 50, or 100 hallows. Don't just collect the pumpkin hallows.
So because Cinco gave EVERYONE an opportunity to farm gold in a gold event a bit over a month ago, there's a gold imbalance? EVERYONE had a fair opportunity to attain gold. By the way, I've donated...
Hey Cinco!
With an event around the corner (Halloween), can we get brand new items? I ask this because every year there's an event, players request "forgotten vanity" pieces. When players do this,...
Hey Cinco.
Do you think you can do an update that eliminates bugs/lag? Sometimes, the game freezes unexpectedly when I play, which makes it challenging for me to enjoy the game. Me and other...
Can we get another server update? The game has been logging me out multiple times throughout the day (yes, I play with great wifi). I can't log on for 15mins without being disconnected at least 3...
Cheers to 10 years! 🍻
It's not a bug... Let players enjoy their new sets. It's a limited edition outfit so of course it's going to have exclusive perks. Nothing "glitchy" about that.
It's for PvE and PvP. It's completely fine. We needed a new pvp set for the longest and we also needed a new outfit to farm in. Win -win.
Does the sapphire serpent parts drop? I haven't seen anyone with the set or components of it. I understand that it's rare, but I am just making an observation. 😊
It's not happening; he been said that. For an item to be purchased with "gold/tokens defeats the purpose of it being a plat exclusive" (Cinco).
Cinco, thank you so much for the addition of new items; I love the new red set! Unfortunately, people will always find something to complain about, than again, you cannot satisfy everyone. ...
@skull ripper that sounds like a personal problem. Us buying items with plat is so we can have for ourselves. YOU seem bitter that you are not benefitting from the event. Everyone had a fair...
So people cannot hoard or collect items that they buy from this event? That makes no sense.😂 Let people do what they want with their items.
Why would an EXCLUSIVE outfit be available to purchase for tokens? It's exclusive for a reason. Cinco, you definitely made the right decision on letting it remain a plat exclusive.
First of all, I'm Elderberry and Mrelderberry; I've been in the game for 8 years, so I am definitely familiar with the game. Y'all always say "you should have asked", but what's there to ask? If...
Hey Cinco!
I must say that I love the new vanity and the perks that come with it, however, I purchased a black tactical outfit. I thought that it could be used in PVP since it wasn't specified...
Or we could even request new vanity that adds different attributes such as defense, attack, damage, or health. The mask idea isn't a bad idea, but maybe a different type of mask would be better.