Honestly. I don’t know how balancing endgame is possible nowadays with the new level 11/12 skills. Even for me this seems like something that will take a couple weeks of trial and error. 105 Honor...
Type: Posts; User: MageFFA
Honestly. I don’t know how balancing endgame is possible nowadays with the new level 11/12 skills. Even for me this seems like something that will take a couple weeks of trial and error. 105 Honor...
To hijack this thread I have a few fixes for PvP that could be implemented.
Level 30-45 Honor is borderline unplayable as long as we continue to have below 90 hit, 5 H/s and 10 M/s. With hit being...
I’d love to see the majority of these items return, however I do believe they should all return through the plat store and kept there permanently. This creates a straight forward source for us to...
Bought. Closed thread.
Whoever is responsible for that Dragons Eye Banner. Ws in the thread for you. More of these items in the future please.
Possible. Anything that removes level 25 Elites from the meta would be a step up. Enchanted PvP also brings in more revenue for StS. Food for thought, the game would double in plat purchases if we...
Can we get the level 10 Black Friday Weapons to return in this event as a vendor purchase if it’s not already part of the escort mission like it was previously?
Can we make it so that weapons, armors, and shields are also enchantable on level 30-49 equipment? Since we already have the ability to enchant level 30 and 40 rings/amulets it only makes sense to...
+1. Bird is the final class that’s in need of an update balance wise. Nerfed in 2013 and again in 2016 which left them with 0 damage outside of endgame. Foxes received a buff in 2018 along with...
Agreed. Currently where we stand there are many players with roughly 10B or more in just gold. Some purchases such as Fossil Egg, crafted and regular, costs 5B. Black Dragon Set if I’m not mistaken...
+1 for all of these items.
@Cinco Are you taking any suggestions on what could be added to the Krud Stinkler’s Vendor?
TLDR: The game is lacking in gear as time progress so here are a few items we’d like to see returned. Forgotten Bows level 10 15 17 19 20 and 23. Halloween Bone Helmet and Halloween Marrow Mantle DEX...
This speed only applies to the PvP map The Honor Of Arena PvP(Practice)
#1 Be in a town with the honor gear not equipped.
#2 Equip the honor gear from your loadout slot.
#3 Host a Honor Of Arena...
I’ll have to record a video and file it to the forum but the source of the speed bug comes from equipping the honor set through the loadout, going from complete gearless with no items equipped to...
I know StS is currently busy with AL content and a possible new cap but can we get a slight QoL for 30 honor gear, each class set. A +8% Critical Chance, +10 Mana Regeneration, +12 Health Regen, and...
There seems to be a bug currently with honor PvP, at least in level 30, where your movement speed is increased as if you have a 4x or 5x speed potion. I’m not sure what the source of the bug is but...
By any chance can we have Halloween Bone Helmets and Mantles levels 15-45 placed in the vendor for tokens, or placed in the store for limited purchase?
Since the Hall Of Amulets is no longer within the event circulation I think it would be nice to have it unlocked as a permanent dungeon within the Balefort Castle campaign. Whether it’s a 3 plat...
The META would be Dex bear with 3PC Ring Of Valorant Glory and a Crafted Sanguine Amulet. Flying Bow set and Flying Talon set is your go to items, with Flying Talon being the ultimate counter to dex...
I’m sure they do if money is involved. Still don’t know why StS doesn’t just reskin popular items and place them on the plat store permanently for a reasonable price. Give me a Level 35 ESB that...
You’ve lost me there.
From my testings it shows Armor Shredder landing twice, after a few seconds one of the shredders goes away. When both are up the damage dealt is in the extremes, to the point...
Items like BF Wand, BF Axe, and BF daggers could kill 2 birds with one stone. Not only do we see a return of these weapons in bulk but that’s also a little extra cash on the side for the new players...
Gold has lost its value and everything has become too expensive for those who don’t farm gold or merch. I shouldn’t be having to pay 1.2B for a SoH, or 400M for a Blue Egg. Black Dragon costs 10B and...
There seems to be a bug regarding the amount of armor that is deducted from landing this skill. In the description it says -60 at level 6 but instead it’s taking -120. Can we take a look at this from...