
Type: Posts; User: Rauitri

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  1. Replies

    They know they'll recolor lb, as they aren't as...

    They know they'll recolor lb, as they aren't as creative or who gives effort in designing now adays, but without giving the opinions of the community? Like you said, this insults us Lb runners, and...
  2. Thanks. Dmn I've wasted a week finding for them,...

    Thanks. Dmn I've wasted a week finding for them, thought theyll be higher chances in Elites. Ty

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  3. Just for clarifications. Can the Elusives be...

    Just for clarifications. Can the Elusives be found in Elites aswell?

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  4. We can look for them together. In need of these...

    We can look for them together. In need of these too.

    ~ Spectral

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  5. Replies

    +1 I also would like to tie vanities with the...


    I also would like to tie vanities with the gears and pets.

    For Instance in Pvp, thats where you use your best gears/pets/Vanities. But won't in towns to hide stats and belongings. So loadout...
  6. Replies

    Deep Marsh Issue

    We all are aware that the time it takes to open Deep Marsh varies directly to people killing Mobs in Festerfang. Now that these New Arc weaps had arrived, people had stopped running Fester for...
  7. Replies

    The proc visuals are cool, but seems like they're...

    The proc visuals are cool, but seems like they're the same for almost all new weapons, which is multiple spinning purple orbs.

    The Idea for the proc's Isn't too bad. It's just the strength of the...
  8. Replies

    No more re-colors, better of host Community...

    No more re-colors, better of host Community design contests like they used to, but now in every event. Better if we players do the work, rather then disappointed.

    I would be greatful if they host...
  9. Bump still looking for more to start ^-^ will...

    Bump still looking for more to start ^-^ will also pay 100k eah elusive evasive boss.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  10. They are consired Mini events by them. We have 4...

    They are consired Mini events by them. We have 4 Major Events, Goblin Inasion, Ursoth, Halloween and Winter.

    I know right, they look so good that they feel like Major Events :D

    Sent from my...
  11. What great stuff we gathered from 2018 from STS

    Showing some truth of their claims, which is "Doubling on Al". I can only agree on this to some extent.

    We had mini events that actually outperformed Major events. Like Hugthulu, where we got our...
  12. Just recruiting people that also need Elite Aps/Evasive 10 Aps

    Leave your Igns and usual time you play (Arlor Time)...
  13. Replies

    A solution Is of course Tax Insurance. For Instance a buyer want something removed from Auc, then a system...
  14. Replies

    Bumping this thread to push some current Issues...

    Bumping this thread to push some current Issues happening to Al.

    Hey, Christmas is finished. But I'm sure we still have fooooods in our homes that came from Christmas still. I can only Imagine we...
  15. Replies

    Bumping this thread to push some current Issues...

    Bumping this thread to push some current Issues happening to Al.

    Hey Its Christmas!, well kinda late. But guess whats coming? New year!!!, while at it I'm sure your choice of music has changed now...
  16. Hope something gets added to Brood for the long...

    Hope something gets added to Brood for the long 12 days still remaining. Not to late to add in new Artis.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  17. Replies

    Thats unfair for now. There are legitmate players...

    Thats unfair for now. There are legitmate players who really farmed for pve kills to get the better rankings.

    And your suggestion Isn't related as much, they did Pve kills in general because it...
  18. Replies

    Pve kills is necessary to differentiate better lb...

    Pve kills is necessary to differentiate better lb rankings. Cause what if 2 player at 20k aps? Sts can't just tie them, but rather look at their Pve kills to determine the worthier one.

    But we...
  19. Way to make Brood attractive for the remaining days

    Its very obvious that no one, or very low of players will be running brood for 13days still.

    Same Krampus Egg as last year, Royal sets dropping to 500k, perhaps 100k (exagg) later. I mean, people...
  20. Replies

    Brood isnt even worth to run anymore. Waste lix...

    Brood isnt even worth to run anymore. Waste lix to loot vanities worth 800k less. If only Artifacts were added.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  21. Replies

    "Normally" they only did that once during the...

    "Normally" they only did that once during the Easter event. Showed all tiered players, and Eggs opened. Point is its logical to assume that the problems is due to Serve overload. You can't say...
  22. Replies

    So many rants lmao. Devs aren't Gods or higher...

    So many rants lmao. Devs aren't Gods or higher beings who are "perfect", and who are there when something "bad" happens.

    Every human has Imperfections, like all your rants. Like as if more of this...
  23. Replies

    Devs aren't Gods that are always there when...

    Devs aren't Gods that are always there when something "bad" happens. They took Immediate action and now having a maintainance break.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  24. Replies

    Shutdown is about to happen. We must get elixer...

    Shutdown is about to happen. We must get elixer reimbursement and reset the time.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
  25. Replies

    You can't assume that less is playing. Its more...

    You can't assume that less is playing. Its more logical that servers tends to slow down and disconnects you because servers cant hold the capacity of the sudde n rush.

    Even partying, pming and...
Results 1 to 25 of 352
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