Hi, I've made so many Warrior, but in none of them have I got a good skillset that is pretty good/doable in both PvE and PvP. Also, I wonder sometimes if Juggernaut is worth getting. I know it's worth getting at low levels if you have under 1k health because that's more than half your health bar. But if you're like lvl 20 with like 3.5k health, will healing 300-500 health really help you in anything? I've tried Juggernaut with one of my Warrior, it works well for lvl 10 and under, but if you're any higher, it doesn't seem like much use. Also, what are the upgrades for it? Also, somebody please give a skillset that works pretty well in PvE and PvP. I'm thinking Windmill to snare, Axe Throw to reel in, VB for Mana and buffs, HoR for healng. But I've heard SS is most damaging and it's good to have if you want to flag, so I'm pretty confused.