Hi there!

I wanted to take a minute to discuss some of the fixes and changes that will be coming out later today. First I want to say "Thanks!" for all the feedback and all of the detailed posts and pm's that helped us solve some very difficult problems (related to quests, items, etc.)

A few very important fixes are coming in our next update as a result:

"Trick or Treat" Quest Abandonment Issues
If you have abandoned the "Trick or Treat" quest and cannot retake it, you can go back to Halloween Hal and he will get you sorted out.

"Smack-O" Boss Monster Problems
We have changed the way this dungeon works. Players must now clear the entirety of the Haunted Manor before they can face 'Smack-O' the boss. You still cannot host them and you can no longer 'quick-join' into them.

Halloween "Item" Packs confusion and disappointment
Although these things are working as they were designed, they have caused a lot of confusion and disappointment. We completely understand! From this experience have learned that there are some crucial expectations of an 'item pack,' namely that these packs be rich with usable items with a very slim chance of getting an epic, and these special holiday costume packs did not fit the bill.

These are meant to be more of a 'surprise grab-bag of mystery stuff' (mostly costumes) with a good chance of getting a limited-edition pink item. Calling them 'item packs' doesn't work so we are renaming them to "Holiday Packs" and we're putting them in a different area of the in-game store.

We are also refunding 50% of the Platinum spent on these item packs prior to the update

The "Killah Pillah" in Smack-O's room
Oh - and we removed the pillar that trapped you in the punkin' boss' room. There is a slight issue with how this object is built. We're rebuilding it and we'll have everyone's favorite concrete pillar back in action before you know it.

Thanks again for your support!

- Cinco