I'm not sure what it is, but something has changed in PvP with regard to warriors in the past few days. They hit much harder than they did.

For the past month or two, I never had any problems with warriors. Yes, I could be beat by a warrior 1 on 1, but I could also beat many warriors. For a warrior to beat me it took quite some time as they didn't hit very hard.

Now I'm having an issue where warriors kill me in 2-3 hits very quickly. I haven't changed anything about my build. I'm an end game full mythic sorcerer with 2900 health and always have my shield up, yet 2-3 hits from most end game mythic warriors and my shield is broken and I'm dead. And when there are 2 warriors on a team, it doesn't matter if it's 4 on the other team vs. 2 warriors, the 2 warriors are winning the battle every time.

The result of this is my KDR in TDM had been about 3/1, but over the past few days it's about 1/3. I don't even think I'm very good anymore, but I haven't changed anything. In fact, I added a mythic ring which I did not have a few days ago, so I expected to do better, not worse. So I'm not really sure what the issue is.

Am I the only one who has noticed this?