Hello all,

As Pocket Legends continues to move on and with the introduction of Dragon vanities and new elite cap vanities, I want to take a moment for players who grinded during the earlier caps to have a place to talk and socialize.
I know that Pocket Legends and the forums are vulnerable to immature players (we have problems in both endgame and twink PvP).
While I always encourage that we incorporate these newer members of our community in our daily Pocket Legends lives, I have also noticed that sometimes I would like to spend more time discussing with older friends who have shared the same grinding/PvPing/PvEing/farming/etc experiences of the earlier caps.
I believe everyone will admit that Pocket Legends has changed, for the better or worse, and VERY DRASTICALLY since the earlier caps.
So I hope you take this thread as an offering to take some time and remember our old days together rather than a group limited to certain people created for the purpose of segregation.
The discussion threads in this group will be monitored and hopefully kept mature and constructive, with more in-depth thoughts and expertise that will be contributed by our experience together. We may discuss current issues and cherish old moments. But the group will be monitored, and the regular forum rules are always applied.

Furthermore, I feel as if we are losing contact of each other. Many of our friends have quit the game, but some may use the forums once in a while- there is no tedious need to download a game/app, you can easily access the group via secure-Internet. In this way, I believe we can also reconnect and rediscover.

Thus, I would like to invite players who acquired any one of the original three Elite Vanities to join the Elite Vanity Wielder- (Persistence) Group.

To join, you can either request to join the group or ask me for an invite.
You have to provide proof through screenshot of your confirmed character wearing at least one of the following:
-Crown of Persistence
-Mount Fang Armor
-Shield of Hallows

Here is a link:

Thank you for your time,