Hello there I an ex WoW player, maxed out pve tank orc warrior and maxed out pvp enhanced sham, but hey this game, pocket legends is pretty fun and nice!

I know these questions must has been asked mountains of times, can I have a "Chart" for Avian's stats from level 40 to max? (40, 50, 60,70, 76) Right now I am level 42 I have 20 str, 11 int and around 180+ dex, should I reduce more the str? But in some dungeon such as frozen nightmare I mostly get one hit with my low hp.

2. Question, what is a forgotten bow? Where do you obtain them?

Last question, Btw, talon/shield, dagger/shield, bows and crossbow which one is recommended? (I also heard of dual wield, not sure about it though.)