Great guide, and finally an answer to all those similar threads out there. Majority of this is well known to me, but 2 things I must ask, that are still not clear to me:

1- Do chests/crates fall under the same table with eggs? As I have read somewhere a while ago, if you would get a chests with an original drop, after a successful reroll you have a chance at crate/egg drop? True or not?

2- This question is more important to me, might consider it top priority to know at this moment: luck/combo/lepre amu DO NOT effect what you will get from chests and more important crates? True or not true? Cuz to my current knowledge, opening crates with luck/combo/lepre amu give you better chance at mythic/arcane loot. That's what I was told, not that I had much luck with few of my attempts, but again, would be nice knowing if this doesn't affect hits from crates/chests at all.. Have devs ever confirmed that?

Thanks in advance for answering, whoever find time to answer

Once again, nice guide. Respect.