I need to find some farming parties because nobody in my guild is ever really interested in farming elites. They do one run, and then time to quit. I don't really care where we farm, but I want to farm with good players, meaning we don't start, spend an hour and 5 elixirs, and all I have to show for it is that I died 15 times and got a single green item.

I'd like to farm with some players who can run through dungeons with decent amount of speed, or if we are talking arena, we should be able to beat each boss in 2-3 minutes max.

I just spent the past half hour in Arena with a party of end game players. In a half hour time, we managed to kill 2 bosses (both of which I dropped green items even though I had luck elixir), and I died 12 times and used 12 plat on revives in the process. We finally gave up on the third boss after spending 15 minutes trying to beat him.

I would run arena solo, but unfortunately even though I have full mythic (including upgraded helm & armor), I'm not able to solo Arena against most bosses, and even the few I could survive, I'd end up using a few hundred potions for each boss, so I would lose money farming. For the past 4 days I've been online for several hours each day, and still haven't managed to find a party to farm elites. So I'm hoping maybe asking here I can find one.

BTW, it seems I can find plenty of warriors and mages, but it doesn't matter if we don't have a really good rogue. Really the rogue is the only party member of importance. If I was with a good rogue we could farm just the two of us and it would work.