Yep, you have read that correctly, DocDoBig the ultimately PvP pacifist sets his footsteps officially into the PvP community.

Well, I actually never really played PvP beside for the Achievements and Titles, but now, after the Forg Bows etc. nerf, PvP in PL caught my interest.
I am a total super-noob though, and I could need one, two - rather 100 helping hands, advises and recommendations how to start correctly.

I have started pvp with a bunch of toons though, but I really suck with each of them.

I have toons at these levels:

76 (3Pc) Bear, Mage and (2Pc) Bird

73 Mule-Bird

66 Mage

60 Fox

57 Rhino

56 Bird

35 Mage

and a 20 Rhino.

I also have lot's of sets,

Among Others

Savage Set

Fiery Set

(Almost)-Swift Set

Elite Sea Blaster Set/Phantom Crossbone Set

Sand Crusher Set

Of course Angelic Sets

56 Obedience XBow Set

and a Voodoo Set

(Of course enough rings, too=

I have enough Time, plat and gold for another toon at any level - if you think I should make one at that and that level tell me!

Well now I need your advice.
I am currently using skill builds from different professional PvP'ers. For 56 I use Flacs, for 35 Zapokes and for the Rest I took information from Chickenrunns thread.
Well, if you think you have good builds which you are satisfied with, PLEASE share them with me.
Of course I'd need a Stat Points Build, too.

Well these^ things are pure theory, what I need is someone who wouldn't mind spending some time teaching stupid Doc tactics and tips. Most important are ranges, since I mainly PvE and I never really go at distance there.

I appreciate ANY helpful advises, recommendation, tips etc. Be it one two words - share them with me!
If you like taking your time to teach noobs like me, please let me know - I will love you forever.

Cheerio, lmk!
- Doc (the PvP misfit)