Quote Originally Posted by Troncaat View Post
Thanks for such a detailed post! The main reason I considered dps, is because I'm not a big fan of just sitting and getting hit, but if the tank role can output some damage (no expecting it to do a lot) just enough to where I can actually kill in pvp and solo if need be, then ill for sure choose that role.

Plus being a tank would be easier to find parties I'm assuming. So I'd most likely level faster?
Okay, I'll explain tank now

Let's just say, in pvp tank doesn't just tank hits. Sure, the tank has to maintain aggro to keep the other team off the healer, but I can also deal quite a bit of damage lol.

Atm, I crit like 5k+ unbuffed with a skill called Shield Slap (the better your shield is, the higher damage you do) which also stuns and aggros the target you hit. I should be doing more damage once I start to focus on gemming my pvp gear, atm I'm focusing on pve in order to do FML easier (last boss drops a thing called a scanner which you use to summon an EXTREMELY diffuclt boss; if you beat the boss you get the best weapon for your sub class, considering you chose the appropriate quest).

So yes, tanks can do a nice amount of damage. Not the best, but it gets the job done. I've been in situations in pvp where I'm the last one and I have to take on 2 enemies, for example 2s (2v2), and I've been able to take them out both. Then again, I have buffs that help

To quest, it's easier to just go as a dps. Questing while being a tank is EXTREMELY boring lol. Once you're around 50, switch to tank and learn the class because once you're 60 you need to start doing dungeon runs (team runs) so you can get to 70 faster. Dungeon runs give a lot more XP than quests, but they're not as easy. You need a healer, a tank, and 2 dps. People tend to need tanks and healers more in dungeon runs.

If you choose tank, I'll show you how to do dungeons when you're at the correct level.

So in short, quest as a dps and change to tank at level 50.

You can change as many times as you want. But you have to buy your skill books, books give your skills higher ranks, every time you reset your skill tree.

Any questions? I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, in as much detail as possible.

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