We the loyal people of SL feel like we as gamers feel neglected we have pitched many ideas put some don't get done what would bring SL back to the glory days you say two new classes. one of them would be a class that uses gadgets to take down enemies and also have its own very unique set of skills the gadgeteer's choice of weaponry will be two drones that hover about him this would be cool seeing as i don't think you guys were thinking about this possibility knowing you devs you guys could make it work, making the gadgeteer a great addition the second would not be human but an alien, this alien would be the master in rifles but his skill set involves a blade like a Katana it would have similar moves as to the vampires in DL these two classes if you add them it would be fantastic especially the alien because its star legends there should be an alien character somewhere if you guys go through with this let your minds go wild with the armors and guns and models

- Sincerely
(P.s. those are my characters in game)