Guild name: 'Forest Haven'


Hi Guys!

Thank you for taking time to read this thread. As you can tell by the title of this thread, i have formed a new guild called 'Forest Haven'. I am looking for active player's that play Pocket Legends regularly. I know i use the word 'regularly' because i have noticed that more and more people are becoming less active on this game, and i know that most guilds are becoming inactive. I am looking to bring in player's that have experience in playing this game, and player's that are familiar with this game.

As you can see the 'RECRUITMENT STATUS' is currently 'OPEN' at the minute, and this will keep changing over time. The only time it will close is when myself and other members of the guild, feel like we have enough players in our guild.

Message the player(s) below in game or on forum's:

Contact(s): Coke

Keep on checking on our recruitment status to see when we are 'OPEN' and when we are 'CLOSED'
