Thank You!
Quote Originally Posted by Phantomas View Post
Lol 'right way to farm'.

First let me say that only dev team STS knows exactly how the mechanics of drop chances work in DL.
Dropchances r the same for everyone of same level and r the same for every mission (dropchance Gamer top is same regardless which mission). But ,...
Based on my own experience ( having played for more than 2 yrs ; 1,2 million pve kills ) I think that it is true that lower level players have a slightly better dropchance than higher level players. Being a high level player means u can do missions faster than lower level players, doing missions faster means doing more missions in an hr, which results in more chances to find something (not a higher/better dropchance). To compensate I think that it is easier for a lower level to find vanity than for a higher level player.
Regarding missions I dont think that some missions have better dropchanges than others, but some missions r easier ( u can do some missions faster than others )
and doing a mission faster means more often, means more chances finding vanity etc.
I didnt experience any difference doing a solo or a multiplayer mission, however doing a mission wth more players (multiplay) means doing it faster, which results in more chances.
Finally like to point out that I personally never got a vanity drop from an end boss, so I dont kill the end boss every time but jump out sooner when im looking for vanity. So not often a replay but selecting the mission again.
Do break barrels, boxes, open chests, turn over dead bodies cous that way u can find vanity. (Found albino bats 4 times by breaking barrels.)
Final advice, do missions fast and alot if u wanna find valuable vanity. Oh and dont forget to have fun doing missions dont focus too much on finding stuff but set different goals for urself, like killing max number of enemies wth each (skill) attack or doing a mission as fast as possible.

Good luck and have fun