¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• CHANELPARIS •♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸
EyE Of Eternity 15 Is A Friendly, Active And Quickly Growing Guild That Welcomes All! Join The Most Powerful Family In Dark Legends!
»Greatness defined by friendship!«
A few things to keep in mind:
*We are mainly a PVE focused guild trying to make a journey to remember! We prioritize on skills, trust and friendship the most.
*We focus in PVE but PVP players welcome. Mainly here to help others out, no level limits means there's a lot if people here needing a hand so anyone that can lend a hand goes a long way.
* We are an international community. That means there are different cultures, beliefs, and most of all languages among our players. Not everyone speaks english perfectly, but we are all working to communicate with each other as best we can. Before you comment on someone's ability to speak your language, ask yourself: Could you speak theirs? If not, (or even if so), give them a high five for doing their best and seek to understand them.
* A player-run economy is a really special thing, and entirely built by you. The golden rule comes in here too. If you want fair prices and trust among buyers and sellers, be an honest and respectful merchant or customer yourself. Intentional price inflation, scamming, and hijacking trade threads is not something I'd expect you'd want done to you. So, don't do it to others.
* Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love a good debate, but a good debate is civil, never gets personal, and certainly does not include insults or questioning another player's intelligence or character. Make your point, but keep things friendly.
* Let the OFFICERS take care of the yucky stuff. We monitor the GUILD daily and will always get to your reports and remove inappropriate BEHAVIOR. When you feed into negativity, it grows. Please report these posts and let them sink to the bottom of the BAN LIST where they belong. <3 As the old adage goes, don't feed the trolls.
There's so much more I could say, but really, you guys get the idea! I love this place. I consider it my second home, and I hope many of you do too! Let's keep it a friendly and uplifting place to be. Our purpose is to make the best out of your stay in gaming and leave you with the best gaming experience. I have little birdies watching everywhere!
Enjoy your stay in here! Visit to keep you update!
1. Our Most Important Rule Of This Guild Is To Respect Your Family Like You Would Your Family In Real Life!
2. No Scamming! Players Who Are Caught Scamming Will Be Instantly Dismissed From Our Family As It Breaks Rule 1!
3. No Blind Party Invites! We Understand You Need Help! Ask In The Guild Chat First! Not All Of Us Are Always Free!
4. Please Don't Beg In The Guild Chat!
5. Please Don't Spam, Cause Drama, Or Curse In Our Guild Chat! However, We Still Encourage Polite, Casual Conversation
** This Is A Recommendation: Speak English In Our Family!
¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• BELLARIESOUL & PURIFYHEART •♥•.¸¸.•♥•.
Senior Main Officer (SMO): LOYALKING
Main Officers (TMO): CUDDLES
Council of 17 Leaders:

Special Recognition Is Given To The Most Loyal Players In The Guild Who During Their DL Career Have Earned Themselves Leaderboard Positions And Are Further Commemorated On Their Achievements By Earning Themsleves A Spot In EoE15!

For those looking for people to play with and having a place to stay, you're in the right place. Eternity is just not some guild to join and do your own thing, it's a family, a community that will be by your side, whether it be in-game or even just when RL hits you hard. Come join us and see for yourself!
Most of all, have fun!