Quote Originally Posted by evanb_333
Got it..... So i have been noticing people who are like lev5-8 mostly doing this. Asking if i have some random item and saying they will trade me their lepre for it. Now obviously, i dont have it but i still checked it in auc. There is ALWAYS only one, and it is usually 50-100k. You might think, AWESOME, buy it and then find the player and offer to trade them, but they will say, 'nevermind, ty though.' Now what just happened is, on their second account, they listed the item, WAY OVER PRICED, and nothing to compare it to, then offered a lepre worth around 175k hoping u check the auc, buy the item, and get stuck with a 500 item.
Well thats it really. Im sure someone can condense all that, but just wanted to warn everyone. Have a great day.

The Merching Scheme: A player offers a ridiculously high amount of gold for an item. You find the same item in the auction house for cheap and buy it thinking you can make a quick profit, but it turns out that the item's seller was the same guy on a different character and when you go back to the potential buyer, he "already bought it". Example: Player A is looking to buy a certain lvl 28 devourer maul for 2 million gold. you find that same one in the auction for 150k. You buy that one and offer it to him, but he has "already bought one". in reality, the overpriced maul was sold by his other account.