Hellloooooo people of the interwebs! Skull here again, and today i was thinking...why not try one last attempt to respark PL while still allowing the Devs to continue creating wonderful new games and expanding Arcane Legends.

Employ Players!

How it will work:

Kind of like the whole "Guardians of Alterra" thing, STG could spend at most a week, gather a few highly trusted and respected PL players too sort of "work" at STG. They could help out noobs, host cool events, awesome giveaways, pvp contests, and in general make PL more exciting.

Some people i can think of off the top of my head:

- Apollo
- Dudetus ( if he can take it seriously xD )
- DocDoBig ( this guy is numbero uno. )
- Most of the Guardians of Alterra
-( I know there are way more people, but i just cannot think of them xD )

The Vision:

In general, these player "mods" will help connect, and respark the community. As i said before they could do tons of community events and stuff. Many people already spend hours on end helping out the community for free without much recognition ( I'm looking at you Doc ) These mods could also help end the scamming/breaking of ToS by having an hour auto-ban option, and auto-mute option.

My opinion:

I personally think this would be a pretty cool idea if implemented. STG has nothing too lose ( as long as these player mods aren't too OP, and are chosen carefully we should all be good to go! ). It wouldn't take much time too find the more respected people of PL as STG has already done this before ( GOA ) and it's pretty obvious who the honorable players are.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy this food for thought!