I hear lots of conversation about what is the best bow. If your using a bow and with Spacetime having level cap at 30 you have two types of chars to run with on Avian.

DD Archer(Damage Dealers) where the Jewel Thief or Snippers Battle is going to dominate out of pure damage output with Crit% modifiers

Debuff Archer where the stun effect of the .9 auto bow will stun targets keeping them at bay while you send a weakn armor effect/Avian Scream/Evasion Shot at them and then switch target while your team takes it down.

I have not seen the ultimate bow for my Debuff Archer as of yet, I am waiting for a Ice-Auto Crossbow of Finese giving me Dodge and HS. Please read this post Spacetime

So in conclusion, the bow depends on player style DD or Debuff. Auto for Debuff and Heavy for DD. Hopefully this clears up some confusion for the newer players

Wafflehouse // Wafflehouses