I know that most previous forums that I have been a part of have an option to have polls in the topic...ya know, click yes or no, blah blah blah. So I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of a small amount of bb code. Shoot, maybe we can do it right now...Idk. Anyways:

I think that would be a possibly more efficient way for the devs to sort through our suggestions. If STS sees a suggestion with 234134234234 YES's or I AGREE's or HELLL YEAAAAHHH BOOOOOOIII's, then I would think they would be more inclined to give it serious consideration. In the spirit of pleasing their paying customers, and all.

One possible flaw is that they would naturally, maybe...skim over the suggestions with negative poll feedback. Just because everyone on the forum + Jesus thinks your idea sucks, there might be some aspect of it that could be used or whatnot.

Just a thought to get legit ideas noticed a little quicker.