Quote Originally Posted by Gaabob View Post
Lol yeah.. 75% of that haiku can very easily be interpreted as perverse.

Vulgarstrike doesn't even seem to play much.. Haiku awards to a new player(you better stay man..) and an oldie who never really was part of PL the entire time he was here(probably more likely to quit than the new dude).

Of course devs evaluate on quality...
heh, it is true that i have been a bit inactive for the past... say... 2 months, but dude, i am the life of the party, and the party of the life.

Thanks guys for the congrats, and thanks devs for picking mine!
Additionally, I didn't intend for a sexually themed haiku, but I actually meant for it to describe a fresh slate, winter chills, and a new beginning to an everexpanding joy and freedom.

But whatever you interpret, I'm glad you enjoy it!