Lets say your selling something with quickchat, but you also have the item listed in cs. So this is what happened to me multiple times..

Me (seller, savage armor I.e): "Selling Savage Armor, Pm price!"

Buyer: Show (attempts to trade with me)

Me: in cs, what's your offer

Buyer: no, first show.

At this point, I think the buyer is mentally challenged.

Me: its in cs, look at that price and we will negotiate

Buyer: (attempts to trade again) first show

Me (in my head): I spent 40k to list that peice in cs, I'm not taking it down just to show you

Me: Goodbye...

Sometimes this happens after you reject the conversation

Buyer: see you dont have peice, scam.

At this point I want to toss my phone, sit down and count to 10.

How in the world will I scam you if im only curious of your offer.

Can anyone relate?