So I joined a group the other night in Victory Lap.. looked like a decent group everybody had their rift or void armor, good bird ratio.. anyways after i join they all start argueing about when he spawns (obviously the first run and i could tell it was desert because of the drops) then they engaged ploth and everyone was yelling at mage to heal.. obviously a fail because next thing everyone was yelling rez... i give props to the mage for livng so long that he could still rev everybody 3 1/2 minutes later lol (exageration but might as well been)... but while all this was going on i just sat at the spawn because i wanted no part in this mess.. but couldnt leave due the epic fail-o-meter .. so anyways they all rev back, yell some more about stop pushing the mob out of bounds, next thing you know they all die... they started cursing at each other and went back and forth calling each other noobs for a good minute and then everybody left haha!!

Idk maybe youd have to be there but i found it hilarious, if you got a good fail story please share

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg